Any way, this is a summary prayer, certainly not all-inclusive, but this is what God has given me to pray and I thought I would throw it out and see what happens. Please read the book and make your own prayer and post it on my comments. I love feedback, even if you think I am in error, (especially if you think I am in error). I want to be accurate in all that I write and I am not perfect or all knowing and always learning more and more.
Philippians chapter 1
Father I thank you for beginning a good work in me and the fellow Christians you have placed in my life and for the assurance that You will finish it according to your will until the day of Your coming. Father, until that time I pray that our love would abound and would be without offence and filled with the fruits of righteousness to the glory of God. Father I pray for boldness and that we would rejoice in our salvation and in our suffering for His sake.
Philippians chapter 2
Father I thank you for your consolation, your comfort, your fellowship and your mercy. I pray that we would be of one mind in Christ and each would esteem others above themselves. I pray that we would be obedient to you even unto death as Christ did for us, and that we would work in accordance with the good work that you have begun in our lives without complaining but as a shining light to the world. I thank you for those you have brought into my life who care for me and are not seeking for themselves and who have been proven of their love and faithfulness to you.
Philippians chapter 3
Father help us to be aware of evil workers. Help us to discern what is evil amongst us that we might address it according to your ways. As we cannot trust our flesh we must rely on your spirit. We recognize that nothing in our flesh is good and we give it up to you that we would obtain righteousness, which is far superior. Not by our own actions or works for our flesh is not worthy, but we forget the things of past and press on to accomplishing the good work that you began in us. We do that by being of one mind looking to You our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians chapter 4
Father if any contention or disagreement should arise I pray we stand fast and be of the same mind in the Lord. We will rejoice in you Lord always and come to you in prayer and thanksgiving asking our requests. I thank you that in acting in accordance with your word that you promise a peace that passes understanding which will keep our minds on Christ and what is true and honest and just, pure, and lovely and of good report. Thank you Father that, again, acting in accordance with your word we can endure all things through Christ and you will provide all our spiritual needs for us to have a peace that passes all understanding.

Beautiful...pure and to the point. Praying the word with faith moves burdens and brings help in our time of need. Rejoicing in the Lord brings His presence into our midst. Thanks.
What a powerful lesson that was! The chapter 3 prayer speaks to me.
Thank you for your diligence and your insights!
What a powerful lesson that was! The chapter 3 prayer speaks to me.
Thank you for your diligence and your insights!
Happy Thanksgiving Dan and the family Dickinson...
Hey Dan! Great post and prayer. Sorry it took me so long to come over. I'm glad I finally made it back. You and your family are a great blessing to us all. What a privilege it is to be members of the body of Christ together at Riverside!
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