Are you ready to find out about this unbelievable plan that can change your life by following it for less than one minute a day? The plan that can make your life better, make you more beautiful, and fill your life with joy?
There are also advanced stages of this plan for those who achieve the beginning stage. But I assure you that the promise I made of a better life is extended to those in the beginning stages as much as those in the advanced stages.
The Plan: Commit to read one Bible verse a day.
I know it sounds stupidly simple right? I guarantee that this will work though. If you are willing to commit to God that you will read one Bible verse a day, and do it with an open heart and mind for Christ your life will change. You are showing God that you are serious about Him and are making an attempt for a relationship. You may not see immediate results, (or you may) but don't get discouraged. If you remain obedient you will start noticing changes taking place in your life. Changes that are permanent. Like building a foundation.
Eventually you will find that one verse is not enough and you will have to continue on to the advanced plan which consists of more verses per day, more prayer, more praise etc..
I think most will find this first step more difficult than you think. Many Christians (myself included up until about 4 months ago) do not read the Bible on a daily basis. I don't say this to condemn, I say this to challenge you.
A lot of our "problems" would not be problems if we were living a life that focused on Christ. One way of focusing our attention on Christ is by reading the Bible. Try this... The next time a "problem" arises, focus your attention on Christ not your situation and see what happens to the problem.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness...

Yep, right on. It is amazing when we stop and think about it.
Reading for devotion, worship, and understanding, not to "get through it"; that's why the "one verse a day" plan will work for you, because it starts with no pressure, and you let God build the desire, which He most certainly will, I believe with all my heart.
Just remember to keep those verses in context.
Uh oh, that would mean you have to read more verses.
In context meaning that you must realize who the author is speaking to, among other things.
For example, when it says to destroy the eenemy, you have to realize God was speaking about a particular enemy, a particular time, and a particular place. We aren't supposed to go out and kill our foes like that.
Obvious example, for sure, but many pepole take "verses in a vacuum" and freeze dry them to be used whenever and wherever they want, using the Bible like a magic spell book.
Even So... said...
In context meaning that you must realize who the author is speaking to, among other things.
Oh, I get it now...
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