It is time to continue on with our frog acronym. I have been writing how to usher Christ into our lives. I went over faith, which was the “F” in our frog. I wrote about the differences of right faith and wrong faith and the dangers of having faith in the wrong things. I cautioned you that blind faith could be a fatal mistake. How to determine which is which, (Does it line up with the Word) and what to do once you have determined that it was the right faith. (Grab a hold of it and don’t let go). We spoke of the importance of knowledge of the Word so that we are not deceived or easily swayed and in that Word is how our faith is increased.
After that I went to repentance, which was the “R” in our frog. In dealing with repentance we learned that we must start with humility. You must be able to admit that you are a sinner and that you need a savior. I explained to you that there is nothing you can do to earn the righteousness that is required to go to heaven. It required the atoning blood of Jesus Christ to cover your sins and nothing less. Your requirement is to believe and repent.
With our re-cap complete that brings us to our next letter in our frog. “O” is for obedience. Keeping in mind that our theme to all this is ushering Christ into our lives and these four steps are in order. Start with faith to believe and in order to advance you have to deal with repentance and now we will see how obedience is next in Gods order.
If we refer back to John the baptist's ministry we see that the people that were gathered asked what else they should do other than being baptized. John gave them all the instruction to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. That is found in Luke chapter 3 verse 8. Which says: Bear fruits in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.
There were physical works that were required. Personality changes that had to be made. The verse cautions us to not be prideful. Changes in the way they do business and in the way they live their lives needed to be made. The fruit of their repentance would be their obedience. If you are truly repentant you will become obedient. We all try to get by with our little pet sins that we don’t want to give up. We will never give them up if we can’t ask Gods forgiveness and repent of them. Obedience will come if you continue to repent. If your faith is true, your hope of what is eternal causes you to repent which makes the obedience a lot easier. I’ve given this example before but I want to do it again to make it easy to understand. If I were to tell my son that if he would be obedient to me and my wife that he would have riches beyond measure when he turned 18, then he would want to be obedient because of the reward. And if he was ever disobedient don’t you think he would come to me begging for mercy and forgiveness? God tells us that if we are obedient to Him that we will have riches and rewards beyond measure and we will be in his very presence. If we could truly grasp that then our whole perspective on obedience would change. God is better than anything you might be trying to hold on to here. I promise you. If you find it impossible to be obedient then you should check your faith and really decide if you believe and if you do then start repenting and the obedience will come out of a love and a desire to please the lord of your life. We should want to obey no matter what because we see it as “worth it”. If you want to usher in Christ then you have to decide that He is worth being obedient for.
I don’t mean to mislead you here. One way to learn obedience is by suffering. Hebrews 5:8 tells us that even Christ learned obedience by suffering. Not that Christ ever sinned but it teaches us the importance of obedience and that our suffering can bring about obedience and it is worth it. Being obedient does not mean that you will never sin again. What it does mean is that when you do sin that you, by faith, be repentant and you will have forgiveness. You will not lose your reward or not be allowed into heaven. Obedience is to be learned, it is perpetual because you are not and will not ever be perfect as long as you are in this world.
In the book of 1 Samuel chapter 15 in verse 22 we are told that obedience is better than sacrifice and to listen is better than the fat of lambs. Obedience is important. It is necessary and God demands it. Praise God that he doesn't require the sacrifices and rituals that he required of the Isrealites. We are under the new covenant and the new law that Christ came and fulfilled.
I'll end with this. When I was studying for this I came across these two verses and they seemed appropriate for what I am speaking of today. Deuteronomy chapter 30.
Verse 19: I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,Being obedient is a daily, minute by minute choice, which will you choose this minute? How about the next minute?
Verse 20: loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."
The promise to the Israelites is your promise today. If you love the Lord, obey his voice and hold fast then you will dwell in the land that he has promised you. I’m going into my next sermon on gratefulness now so I will stop. The next time I write we will fold all of this together in a package that will teach us how to usher Christ into our lives.